Froggy Beast and the Woman finally meet
PART 3⌠It was time to make camp for the night before it got too dark, she had been traveling for days now. To her dismay, she hadn’t found any sign of any larger-than-life frog beasts. Plenty of bugs and normal-sized frogs, snakes, birds, and the occasional crocodile. She must have had some kind of survival training as a girl because for days she had been able to handle herself and keep safe through a region not many people would venture into. Itâs amazing what you will face in hopes of fixing what you wish wasn’t a problem. As she started to doze off on the banks of a small stream that was lightly flowing through more of a forest area than the wide open plains of wetlands she had traveled across the previous day; she felt a breath against her leg. When she opened her eyes to look, she fell silent. A beast many times larger than she stood watching her. Frightened, however, she risked her life just by trying to find this beast so she stayed calm as this was the moment she was hoping for. She started to introduce herself until the frogly beast interrupted her.
The frog spoke to her saying â I know who you are, what you want, and what you risked to find me. I have been watching you for the past day, honing in on your wants and your needs, your emotions. You wish to bear children but can not. Your doctor can not help you. Unfortunately neither can I, for the universe or some other power, that is stronger than mine doesnât want you to pass your blood to the next generation. I wish I had more answers but I do not, I simply feel whatever is keeping it from happening is stronger than the magic I possess to help and grant you that wish. However please accept this small chest of coins. They are the coins of Consciousness, your memories, knowledge, feelings, and skills you learn while holding these coins will be burnt into the coin itself. Pass these coins down to those to whom you wish to. The coins will continue to store the holder’s info from generation to generation with no limit. However should you ever want to wipe the coin clean, it must be washed in the very swamp here, from which we have metâ She heard some water swirling behind her and when she glanced over her shoulder down the swampy stream she noticed a chest rising out of the water on a lily pad. On the pad was a small wooden chest of a couple of dozen coins. Once she looked back at the frog, he was gone.

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TEST Siren is sitting next to me
still in bed but im curious what this looks like in the bed. I mean in the lasdjf;ladjjjsa;ljsdajdf;lkjas;dlfjas;dlfj;aldsfkja;sldjf;aldjskfakldfj;akldflasdfasdaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjvvaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjvvaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjvvaldjskfakldfjvaldjskfakldfjvvaldjskfakldfjvaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjvaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjvvvvvvaldjskfakldfjvaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfjaldjskfakldfj

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